Our Partners

We are able to achieve our objective of bespoke engagement and intervention thanks to the generosity of our partners and funders.

Funders allow us to continue to support young people in North Somerset at the earliest possible stage, and our positive community collaborations have strengthened our partnerships with local schools and charities.

Our organisation is now better placed to react to the needs of our beneficiaries, with increased capacity and resources to support a sustainable future.

The JHF are committed to empowering and inspiring young lives, through the strength of positive relationships.

Together we can

Where are our grants used?  Here are some examples:

Funding from the Charities Aid Foundation and the Quartet Community Foundation allowed The JHF to support over 100 young people through the peak of the pandemic with a combination of mentoring, tutoring, outdoor learning workshops and LEGO® therapy.

Thanks to the National Lottery’s Reaching Communities Grant for project #JHFYoungLives, The JHF can provide half term and summer workshops where young people benefit from outdoor adventures and resilience building exercises.  The JHF were able to hire two Youth Engagement Workers to deliver these projects.

Tesco Community Grants, in partnership with Groundworks, featured us in nine local Tesco stores, bringing in valuable funds to help us deliver free bespoke intervention for local young people.

The Moontrekkers campaign raised in excess of £33,000,  equally split between The JHF and three other charities.  Our portion of the funds went towards providing essential school holiday engagement for vulnerable young people across North Somerset & Bristol.